“Giftedness is not what you do or how hard you work. It is who you are. You think differently. You experience life intensely. You care about injustice. You seek meaning. You appreciate and strive for the exquisite. You are painfully sensitive. You are extremely complex. You cherish integrity. Your truth-telling has gotten you in trouble. Should 98% of the population find you odd, seek the company of those who love you just the way you are. You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are utterly fascinating. Trust yourself!”

Linda Silverman~Gifted Development Center Denver

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Surviving The Chaos

June is here and keeping the kids focused and on task become almost Herculian!  My grade six students are finished with EQAO (standardized testing in math and language) and they are ready to move on to junior high school BUT I still have to get them through 20 more days of school!  Yes, we are teaching until June 27th here in Ontario!  

This time of year I like to have my students create a yearbook/poetry anthology which I have published for them. They each choose a poem from their poetry anthology which they then illustrate.  I add a poem of my choice to the anthology as well.  I am not in the least artistic so I chose to use a cute frame from KB Connected on TpT.  If you click on the link to their store you can grab this great freebie too!

Once the yearbook/anthology is compiled, each student writes an author profile which is published on the back of their personalized copy.  Bookorama, the company who does the publishing for me also includes the graduation photo of each student.    The cover artwork and inside artwork is also created by the students.  My students love their anthologies!  

If you are interested in publishing your own students books be sure to check out 

Thanks for joining our end of the school year blog hop today. We had a great turn out of hoppers. The prize pack part of the hop is now closed. Stay tuned for blog excitement in mid July. 

Please keep hoping along to read our tried, tested and true survival tips.

Happy Hopping!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

How to Make a Sweet Mother's Day Hand Scrub

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca

I thought I would redo my post for Mother's Day again this year.  I am making the lemon sugar hand scrub again, well actually, the students will be making it.  Below you can read all about the ingredients you need and how to put it all together for a sweet Mother's Day gift. To download all the files you will need including the ingredient list, the card inserts and the labels, CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW or HERE.

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca
I included these with the gift so Moms would know what the gift was made with, and how to use it.

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca
The ingredients were easy to find and the students really enjoyed creating their own special hand scrub.

People have been asking me what I put the finished scrub in. I have been fortunate for the last two years to find the small plastic containers (pictured above) at Dollarama in packages of four.  If you cannot find these, the smallest jars from Bernardin (which you can buy at Walmart, Canadian Tire and many grocery stores) are also perfect.

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca

How To Make Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub for Mother's Day from www.teachingisgift.blogspot.ca

UPDATE:  2016: This year I am using small mason jars for the sugar scrub so I created some tags which could be tied around the neck of the jar.  If you would like a copy just click on the image below to download from Google Drive.

We made cards to accompany our final product.